Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bracelet Swap

I'm a day late and a dollar short to the party. Ok, maybe even longer. Oye.

Anyway, it's been a hectic few weeks. In all my woes meing, I got a job! But, I now have to deal with finishing up everything at my current one and not leaving anything hanging. Plus the hubby is coming home and I've been trying desperately to get things on the homefront in order, to no avail of course.

So yes, I'm a slacker. But I'm blogging now, so that is important, right?! Right. :)

Here it goes.

Back in July, Michelle hosted a Bloggy Bracelet Swap. Of course I was going to sign up! I love swaps and bracelets, so this was a win-win. I sent bracelets to Alisha and Lindsay. I just heart them and you should read their blogs. They are fun.

And here are my bracelets together!

I also got a bracelet from the Penn State University's THON- which is a 46 hour dance marathon for kids with Pediatric cancer. My swap partner, Lauren, danced all 46 hours! Sheesh! I can't dance for 10 mins without getting sleepy! I'd show you that one, but a certain kitten got into my jewelry box and it's missing. So are my earrings. That cat....

Anyway, I'm drifting, sorry. Lauren also sent me the pink and green sailors knot. LOVE! I am a total granola loving hippie so these bracelets are right up my ally. LOVE THEM! I got the others from Alisha, which are wonderful! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

And I'd like to apologize for the crappy photo, I can't do two things at once.

Thanks Michelle for hosting this swap!


  1. Glad you liked the sailor's knot bracelet! It's one of my fave bracelet styles!

  2. Congrats on the job!!! And I can't imagine how excited you are that the man will be home soon!
