Thursday, February 23, 2012

I need direction in my life

I need direction. I need someone to sit me down say you will do this, go here, wear that. It gives me structure. I'm like a toddler, I need order.

With that being said, let me introduce you to the first world problem chaos of the past week. I am in a wedding and we are to wear black dresses. That was all the direction I was given. This is where panic set in....

Which dress do I choose?! I love them all and can't decide. Eek!

How goregous is this?!?!?

Another one I am smitten with?

I haven't a clue what a gimlet is, but I LOVE it!

Which one would you choose? And where is a good place to find a black dress?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tickle Me Tuesday- Valentine's Wishlist

I've linked up with Sarah from Yes, Teacher! for another addition of Tickle Me Tuesday.

I have compiled this list for the hubby. Let's hope he's listening. :)

I love to get my nails done, but I want to start bringing my own color because, without fail, I always mess them up. I am smitten with this color!

I really, really want to get much better at sewing. I'm hoping this  One-Yard Wonders: 101 Sewing Fabric Projects; Look How Much You Can Make with Just One Yard of Fabric! helps. (That, and I can't figure out how to thread the machine. Woops).

I don't know why, but I want this Nostalgia Electrics PIE-400 4-Pie Electric Pie Bakery!

So, in a nutshell, I want to make pies and eat them all, then learn how to sew to make my clothes bigger. :)

What are you asking for Valentine's Day? Is your significant other at taking the hints? 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Everything PLUS the Kitchen Sink

I know, I know, I shouldn't call him a jerk. But, sometimes I think he likes to mess with me. Like, I'll say, "Raven, get down!" and he raises his paw like he is going to b**** slap me. Or, you say "Raven NO!" and he'll hiss at me and carry on what he is doing. Jerk. :)

His new thing is he's fascinated with the faucets. I mean seriously, he's a year old, you'd think he would have discovered them before now. But no. So on a daily basis I either have to leave my water dripping for a little bit (I'm paranoid he won't drink!) or shoo him away from the sink.

Here's my solution!


It's a water fountain. For the cats. Sounds brilliant, right?! Right.

He was fascinated with this thing. I thought my mission was successful. I had solved getting him out of the sinks! He'd love this thing and it would be a great substitute to getting in the sink. Or so I thought....

I think I just encouraged his behavior more. Lovely.
How do you keep your cat out of the sink? Or, do you have to ask if you can use it like I do because thinks he owns the place?