Thursday, February 14, 2013

#vdaymugswap Happy Heart Day!

I love blogging for two reasons. One, it's a great way to get my thoughts out in the open and two, I get to meet some awesome friends! I participated in Caroline and Alissa's #Vdaymugswap and was paired up with Nay. She's simply lovely!

As I said before, Nay is simply lovely. She packed my goodies so pretty, while I just threw them in a box. Eek. Also, I'm a bad blogger because I forgot to take a picture of what I sent her, but again, she's fab and she shows you here! Phew!

So, without further ado Nay got me....

A gorgeous mug that I'm absolutely in love with, some socks which I'm wearing today, a notepad and pens which I have already used and some lollipops which are kitten approved!
Thanks Nay! I love everything! And I'm so glad we got to meet!

Happy Valentine's Day all!


  1. Love that kitty approved as well!
    Thank you so much for all my goodies and so happy to have met you:)
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Your mug is really cute and who can resist kitty approved lollipops(;
