Monday, October 10, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Cats...Oh MY!

Ok people, it's the little things in life that amuse me. So, of course I just had to by this!

An owl hat! I die!

Clearly I love animal hats. And cats. And cats in hats.

Speaking of awesome animals, look what showed up on my doorstep!

I named him Jeffrey. I love him. He doesn't have a tail. The hubs won't let me keep him, but little does he know that I have a plan. :)

I'm fairly certain we either have a sign hanging up in front of our house that says Cat Sanctuary or Raven is running some sort of kitty underground railroad. One things for sure, this little dude wanted to get in the house BAD.

It's a bad picture, but you get the jist....

If I take Jeffrey in, does this make me the crazy cat lady???


  1. You could never be the crazy cat lady. Awesome animal lover? Yes.

  2. Keep him! And I love the owl hat!

    PS - I just wanted to say thanks again for participating in the fall scarf swap! If you have any questions about anything let me know :)

  3. Nooo because I would totally have like 10 cats if I was allowed to (lease rules and all that nonsense say I can only have 2, dumb). I hope you keep him, he's such a cutie! Besides, he looks good in a hat. ;)
