Tuesday, October 2, 2012

DIY Hair Tie

Have you heard of Twistbands? If not, I talk about them here.I love them. I really, really do. However, I wanted to create some of my own because, let's face it, I'm cheap.

I found a fabulous tutorial here and got to work!

First, I poured my elastic on the counter. Because, you know, counters are the best place to work (so close to the fridge! NOM)

I then mastered my game plan. So, the tutorial says measure 9 inches. Since my lazy butt was already plopped at the table, rather than getting up and walking upstairs to grab a tape measure I used a dollar bill, which is 7 inches and eyeballed the extra two. I never claimed to be a measuring wiz, folks.

Step two:

I tied a knot, and used a lighter to burn the edges, so it wouldn't fray. Viola. Easiest DIY EVER!

And there ya have it!

Now I shall never lose a Twistband again!

Happy crafting!


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